Entry Fee £12 ( Includes Sweep and Two’s)
- Competition limited to male players 55 years and over on the day
- Maximum playing handicap 24 (25 – 36 handicaps may enter and play off 24)
- Handicap Certificate or CDH ten digit number required for entry
- Prizes in Various Categories
- No player can win more than one voucher
- Scratch Prize
- Various course prizes
- Ballot times available for non-members which must be paid in advance
- Competition will be settled in accordance with the Rules of Golf and theCommittee’s Decision will be final.
Please email Name and CDH number to Info@ardeergolfclub.co.uk with requested Tee Time and we will get back to you.
Payment by Bank Transfer Ardeer Golf Club, 80-09-58, A/C 00130211
ENTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT _ Applications can be accepted by e-mail, Name, CDH Number, Home Club, Handicap, and requested Tee Time. And we will get back to you asap.